world 2020 new action sci fi movies 2019 full movie english Based on GOD & Angels
world 2020 new action sci fi movies 2019 full movie english Based on GOD & Angels
what are you doing here I said what areyou doing here I came I came here topray pray prayyou mean like worship yes don't you knowthat's against the lawwho are you I found some Jewish didanyone see youno what did I tell you about going onthe daylight but see we uh have a have adinner guest I caught her snoopingaround out front she looks like a validdid you did you check her um you havethe light oh yeahwell she's she's Valley I should cut areyou a spy I think I've seen you creepingaround here beforewhat's this hmmit's a book it's a book look it's a bookI know it's a book what kind of bookit's called the Bible the Word of GodGod there is no God not anymoreyou can read yes so you know whathappened why did they hate us they don'thate youthey're afraid of you afraid of what'sin your blood what's in our bloodstarted decades ago when they firstdiscovered it the gene they called itthe Hammond ro strandof all violence my research hasuncovered that our genetic makeup ismore than just our physiologicalpresence it's deeper than thatwithin some of us lies a gene that hasbeen passed down from generation togeneration and started war after warafter war if this gene is in your DNAyou will commit a violent crime do youthink the votes will pass I'm notconcernedyou know what motivates people fear whatare you suggesting that you stay on yourpresent course it will only work ifpeople believe that it solves a problemthen I have to make the problem worse sothat my solution is the best optiondeliver the air and you'll have powerbeyond your imaginationplease welcome to the stage Danelle sir[Applause]ladies and gentlemen what I'm proposingmay very well end terrorism and mindlessviolence altogether we have for once atrue chance at world peace dr. Baliannounced his research at the Genevaconference last April with the UNpresident denied Adele proposing a bloodmapping program to the district allpercent to a data base that will makethem known who was most likely to commitcrime already several countries havebegun implementing this program which isencouraging other countries to followsuit the u.s. meets today calling forcooperation in implementing this newidea globallyhow can they do this to usisn't it a reach of our Amendment rightswhat do you have something to hide Idon't want this to determine my futureEmma what do you think[]they're just going to arrest people whohave broken no law what they will you'retalking in potentials to commit crimeand preventing something before it'scommitted is just a fundamental paradoxto the whole system this ball has neverfallen to the ground or the entitycommitted no crime Lexi if I drop thiswill it hit the ground if you catch itmore even though if it was going towould they're gonna need to catchsomething if it wasn't falling yepthe ball wasn't acting on its own noprofessor you you dropped it and youchose to drop it just as he made thefirst to follow you you chose to act onthe third you proved that we have theability to either act or abstain fromany action even the action of acting toarrest someone who is really committedno crime but there's a certain genome ornot arresting them I winter Lexi whenthat time comes to have your bloodtested what do you think of let me saycan you choose something which has beenin your bloodline if you turn to page482 in your textbook a friend ofconventional security strategiesirrelevant we have to evolve guys pleaseand I believe the EU president hurlsproposal doctor Bali's research well butwhat happens there's a lot of people whodecided to leave early a lot of peoplehave left a lot of folks have gone westgone north a lot of people have gone torelatives friends houses where they feelsafer so at this point right now webelieve there's plan I like the best inpeople it can also bring out the worstgood morning Natalie even with all ofour television lights set up here threegentlemen just climbed into the brokenwindow but the forfeiture of anegligible amount of personal liberty isa small price to pay for the promise ofa safer less violentit's everywhere yeah so much for havinga choicedad are you watching this yeah I knowalright I'll be home soonRachelare you okay what are you doing it's theend of the world guys but Tourelles notafter World Peace he's after worlddomination and I'm gonna go home with myfamily try to find somewhere away fromthis place
where where will you go isn'tthe majority of the world behind thisI don't know Alexi there's nowhere elseup to any good we'll find somewhere yeahI don't fully understand the signs ofblood mapping but I don't really see howit affects us you guys don't have tocome with me but you're certainlywelcomeit's like the whole world had goneinsane who did rioting people wereherded like cattle into tents testingthem for evilthose with the gene remarked andvalidated as pure the others theinvalids they weren't so lucky[Applause][][]be nervous I know you yeah I mean liketo think I'm a good person but I guesswe'll find out who is texting you yourphone keeps going off what is itmy professors want to meet with me whichone iswell something's just not right and Idon't trust them the global bloodmapping program is ahead of scheduleresults are coming in I don't care aboutthe results of your stupid program whenI back to your research I had one goalthat's it that's itnext - in FranceLexie Jones 22 Morgantown West Virginia100% matchwe found the airit's time[]I'm not sure this has never happenedbefore what happened we can't get theimplanthere take this since anyone asks you ifyou've received the implant to show themthese serial numbers and it should workthe same way come back in the next fewdays and we'll get this figured out okayhi dr. Stewart Sarge did someone getback to youand you texted about meeting you didn'toh okay sorry to bother you he didn'ttext me about meeting that's weirdtry the otherssame thing yeah not on the read shoutsme so who sent the text messages heywatch it that's when I first met him ifI only knew how much he changed my lifemy lives the world what a lot of crapit's all about greed new ballads justwanted all for yourselveswho knows she could have led them herethey want nothing more but to rid us offthis dirty planet so they can have itall I say we tell her no she's one ofthem she could help us she could get usfood and you're gonna trust her you'rean invalid why would she help youbecause I know how to end this you'reall living a lie I'm not who you think Iam and I didn't come here to prayit's not about with some your blood it'sabout what's in mine well let's seewhat's in your blood test Abel yeahwhatever I've gotta go be the otherscome on torque let's goEva you watch herwhat's your nameAlexis Lexi my name is Eva why do I feellike I know youwhat is in your blood something thatcould save the world or end it[][]you have to get out ofgo to the door now Lexi I'm your onlyhope of getting out of this place ofwinego Leximy god you're aliveare you okay to the hair dye oh yeah I'mfine my head hurts a little but I thinkwe're too drugged are you talking to youI don't know him but I think we cantrust him rightgo down the hallway into the living roomstopstop Lexi there's a car downstairswhen I tell you nowlet's come onI would be through itno time for questions you gotta movetake this keep your left hand on thecave wall it will lead you out once outyou'll see a small house in the centerof a clearing run towards that house thedoor will be unlocked wait for me therebut don't turn on any lights or makenoise no gothere's no time go now[]what are you saying it's a prayer I mindit when I was little my parents told mewhenever I'm afraid to partycan I say with you of course notyeah I think so who art in heavenhallowed be thy name thy kingdom comeI thought I smelled a traitorI was a step behind old friend where'sthe girl she's safe and far away fromyou I know Fri Lee you need to come backto where you know nothing like you youcan't change what you are or what you'vedone you're wrongsamyaza will return we know about thegirl and when we find her it would bewise to be on our side and you know whoelse will return someone more powerfulthan samyaza he will be no match for himyou think he's gonna forgive what we didthat day he already has it's never toolate to zeal he can forgive enough lastchance give up the girl never[][][Applause]now what now we wait do you believe inGod Eva what does I have to do with thiseverything do you mean like in this bookyes I don't know I can't read I canteach you why would you do that becauseI want to be your friend but you're oneof them why would you help me friendscan come from the strangest of placesMolly Aiden we want that doesn't soundcredible what's the story let her getawayI don't care sir yes they're ready foryou nowthank you I'll
be right therefind her or Izzy will find you oh Igotta go send that to me in a dream wehave a choice are we going to bow to theviolence and hatred of a few or will weband together sacrifice and ensure thatevery man woman and child on this planetis able to live free for only when wehave become one when we truly know ourenemy only then can true victory freedomand peace be at all possiblewho are you who are those men hungryanswer my question I will but you shouldeat first it's a long storyI don't want food I want answer okayI'll tell you what I can but not someocean that might endanger you furtherblood mapping has enabled us to not onlypinpoint illegal activity but also toprevent it cold cases have been solvedby finally having access to all itscitizens DNA as a result we have seencrime drop significantly in many partsof the world and I have every reason tobelieve that as we continue to map wewill see one day violence eliminatedfrom our planet entirely there's abattle is being waged it's been going onfor a very long time like a war onterror it's different kind of battlewhat do you mean it's a fight that'sbeing fought in a different reality adifferent reality yes on a spiritualclaim although your world has done agood job of making us seem like ancientmyth are you sure you were very realwhat about individual liberty how do yourespond to the resistance of those whofeel their freedom is being infringedupon the balance between individualliberty and collective peace it's afragile onewhich is why we must act now before it'stoo late before freedom is lost for usand for our children cannot be seen mostof the time sometimes our war does spillinto your world what do you mean I'm oneof the Watchers the watchers one of the200 sent to protect and watch overhumanity after the fall of Eden hedidn't like the Garden of Eden yesafter the serpent deceived Eve we weresent to make sure the serpent didn'ttempt you again you've been watching usI'm not watching you see me why me toprotect you from what from who then anold foe your family Lexi has anadversary being trying to eliminate yourbloodline I don't have a family why doyou think it is they died in a car crashwhen I was little did they weapon noyou're saying that they were murdered ina way bleeping god Lexi what does thathave to do with thiseverything and you think you canaccomplish this the UN is voting rightnow to approve a monumental resolutionit will place immense pressure oncriminals and terrorists fooddistribution will be limited toparticipants in the world bloodprogramme a special mark has been placedupon all of those who have been mappedwhich henceforth will allow them topurchase and possess food from grocerystores and restaurants but moreimportantly it will keep the terroristsand criminals among us at bay bydepriving them of the most basic humanneed food ok let me get this straightyou're a watcher right people after mewatches right because you're instructedto protect my bloodline right I thinkit's a prophecy I don't think you'retelling us everything you knowdoes that bother you it bothers me whenwe get kidnapped in the middle of thenight it bothers me when we have to runfor our lives and have no idea why whatwhy should we trust you how do we knowit's not you who's trying to kill us howdo we know this isn't some sort of traptrying to earn our trust before youdeliver us to the real threat who areyou what is your name names can be verypersonal we're not allowed to talk aboutsuch thingsyou aren't giving us any detail it's foryour protection that's not good enoughit's how it has to be then we're leavingyou can't leave it isn't safeneither is staying here with someone weknow nothing about what is your name howcan you assure us that this programcannot be hacked for personal gain as Imentioned in my address to the GeneralAssembly there are some sacrifices thatmust be made for a secure and peacefulfuture law abiding citizens have nothingto fear it's the terrorists who now havesomething to fear namely starvation myname is Riley and you know my parentsyeah when did this begin when theloophole was created Jesus Christspilled his blood and freed humanityfrom the curse of death so to thespilled blood of the traitor will freesamyaza from his current bondage if heis freed he'll start again but this timehe'll destroy everything it's on thetrick Nowhy me because of your ancestor JudasIscariota
lot of time ago there wasLuciferman you should be in churchmr. it was fun having my godand I was out takingit's heart been for revengeLucifer found a way to enjoy God[]lucifer tricked them and they disobeyedgod[]God had no choice but to remove themfrom the garden and even though they hadto leave that perfect place and endurethe curses God had put on them God stillloved them and had a plan to put an endto Lucifer through her bloodline Godknew the snake was wicked and would tryagain so he sent 200 angels to lookafter and protect men[]they were called the Watchers[]I wash as a war unfolded around for thechildren born became Giants man withincredible strength what power they hadthe race of men almost completely wipedout tooby the Watchersand those said dreams shall be peaceitself[]and the world will be cleansed from theevil that has been for our department[]after the flood samyaza was punishedlocked away and turn to stone for histreachery until a later time when hewould face a final judgment[]after the floodwaters began to dissipateand the land began to appear God senthis Archangel Michael to bind all theremaining Watchers[]God forgave me[]lucifer was able to save one watcherazile[][][][][]kanwarlal is the last of the line as akey to the reasons for the end of theirexistence[]easiest war[]disease[]religious conspiracy[][]people stop at nothing to find you[][]Isaiah will never give up and this bloodmapping program is all to find me - whydo you think you were taking the sameday as when you registered you sendthose text messages to keep me fromdoing their professors wanna meet withme I did and I stopped the implant whichthey could use to track youwhy is he waited until now to find me adeal can only use the blood of the heirto release some yowza every 17 years 17years that's right that's right17 years ago your parents died in thecar crash I pulled you from the wreckageand hid you until the apex passedCasillas had to wait another 17 years tofind you tell me about this the coin isa protective seal on it see I can't findyou when you have it[][]lower clear my schedule and take theafternoon off are you sure siryes I'll be in my office for us todayI've got some matters I need to attendto[][]why can't you use a door I will neverget used has she been foundyou understand the urgency of this IsonI know I just need a little more timethe girl should be your primary focus Istill have an office to run in case youforgotwe're sympathetic to your own personalagenda but you must not forget how youcame to be in the position in which younow find yourself will not go well foryou should you forget your true task ifwe don't release some yazathe apex your office will diminish underthe reality the dr. Polly's researchstands out I knowI think it's time to take care of thisourselves[][]hi this is Lilly and Aiden from the NewYork Times oh yes hi yep hi I waswondering if I could set up a meetingwith dr. Bali regarding his research onthe ha Murano strand short Lilly yeahwhere are you on the coverage of today'spress conference I want to run thatstory by tonight yeah I'm almost doneLilly Sebastian don't you go rogue on meagain you lost your chance atinvestigative journalism after theGreenbriar incident hey that wasn't myfault and you know it I had a real storythat time you had conjecture andpersonal bias Lilly I mean it Lillywrite the story from today don't screwit up this is your last chance yes doyou have a cell number where I couldreach him I'm sorry[][][][]dr. Bali dr. Bali[]hellosee[]come on come on come on come on come onit's right there to your left dude heyyeah there it is ah come on guys we'realmost there haha nice one Victor greatha ha huhLily what's love I was I mean yeah ofcourse I was I'm at the house[]all right let's go againcheers soon all of the world's wars arebecause of Lexi's family and a zealtrying to find them I am I think you'refull of it it's not something people inyour day and age accept very often comeon Lexi let's go I think I'm gonna staywhat are you crazy all this talk ofangels and traitors blood I believe himthis isn't like your video games whereyou're the hero and everything works outfine this is real life Lexi in yourbooks when the heroes run off into thesunset the sunset doesn't end news flashsunsets though beautiful for a time turninto dark cold nights supposing this isall real what happens if they catch herit will place around an altar drain herblood and transmute into samyazawhy do you
believe that you can't makeit up it has to be real you can't makethis stuff upare you kidding there are whole sectionsof bookstores that have been dedicatedto stories that have been made up justlike this don't confuse your desire tobe relevant with what is fact no LexieI'm leaving he's insane in you're insanefor believing him I'm awakecome with me I can't I'm sorry please besafe uplexy wasn't sure anything you gave mewould be relevant but my god - doctorPolly's lab I found this and he justgave it to you he was dead that'scomplicated this isn't a peaceful bloodmapping system to rid the world ofviolence Danelle is trying to releasethe watchers and make himself King worseyetI went to the girl's apartment and it itlooked like there'd been a huge struggleI think they've been kidnapped did yougo to the police and tell them what thattwo girls have been kidnapped to besacrificed to really series of angels onthe earth in order to bring about theapocalypse what are you doing well ifwhat you're saying is true then this guyit's also this guy what does that meanit means they'll be hunting for the airwait where is all this taking placeit'll be on the hill where semi also wasencased in stone and they'll besacrificing them on the apex what isthat a little under a day and a half canhe be stopped well legend has it that aseal keeps a dagger on him crafted fromthe silver Judas was paid to portrayJesus other theories say that it's theblade from the spear of destiny destinyhmm it's the blade that was used topierce Jesus to see if he was actuallydead so is this blade important superimportant it said that it can be used tokill the watchers but it's also theblade that has to be used in thesacrifice to release the watchers andonce the bloodline of Judas free samyazathe dagger can be used to free hissheeps also how many Chiefs about 20 orso okay so what's this samyaza guy andhis chiefs are released then they willhave the power to destroy humanityforever so and you mentioned I was theonly thing that could free some yonce upor destroy him that's right I know whatfree sonam's Oh your sacrifice right Igot that what kills himyou don't have to do this it's my otheroption constantly on the run alwayslooking over my shoulder it all be oversoonyou'll close the loophole and you andthe rest of your family line will beable to rest there's a dagger made ofhighly polished hardened steel and ladenwith silver fazil will have it on thiship first people test your blood to makesure I'm not trying to trick him youwon't be able to see well they'll strapyou down on a chair so that you won'tescape how will I take the dagger thenyou'll be able to get close right beforehe sacrifices you it seems like we'recutting it really close I'll be watchingthe whole time once one of your hands isfree they'll be able to dodge a descentof the dagger take it from him andplunge it into the statue behind a Zeilewhat's gonna keep his eel from stoppingme that's where I come inso how are we gonna get there London mealready and you said you could end allof this yes I don't want to live likethis anymoreI see pictures in these books it'snothing like my life I want to go therewe'd take me therethose pictures are real and I will takeyou there I promisewhat about sabledon't worry about her she's like my bigsister she's raised me ever since theyfound me as a baby these people thisplace they're my family my life mymemories but I still feel so empty likeI don't really know who I amso what happened to your roommate Emmayes um there's times I was the hardest[]the air at long lastwhat are you doingRussI don't want to take any chances I wantto make sure we have the right girlno need this isn't Lexi what you broughtme the wrong girland who are youimpossible run it again[]how could this be sir someone here tosee younot now it's Riley sir he says he hasthe air this is just getting moreexciting by the minuteAdam it's a rentaldon't be afraid well well what is thispresent that you brought me I broughtyou the air I'm ready to end this do youremember your mission from God I'm surehe wouldn't be very happy about this I'mdone I want to end this once and for allin exchange for her I want back in in aposition of power when samyaza isreleased it sounds very temptingbut as it turns out I don't need thatAlexiyou for that matterput him in the cellarabout the girl we call her twin cartoonwe may need to use her me[]I can just convert hurt how do I looklike a brand go to you what unarmedabout numbersdoingmy extra mates too
but they justdisappeared did you not see this yes Isaw him they were there and now they'renot yeahitem I saw know how many find a way inwhat did she mean by my twin I don'thave a sisterI'm fine by the way it's not like I wasjust stabbed out there it was thequestion what do you want to know Lexiyou were adopted and raised as an onlychild but there was another baby in thecar the night of the accidentwhat happened as hila crashed anothercar into your parentsmy parents they died on impactso you just left my sister to die thenwhat was I supposed to do a seal wascoming and you were the one who neededto be saved what happened to her[]police found her and she was raised in anice happy home where has she been allof these years I'm living with her forthe better part of a year[]yeah what didn't you tell us that therewas no point to believe anything else ofwhat I told you - why would knowing youtwo are related - made any differenceyou could have done something your lifewas the only one that mattered my lifewas the only one that mattered our lifematters too what stuck in a stupid roomand she's out there and she is about todiethis is all your boatare you okay wait how are you okay I sawhim stab you kill the Watchers I hope itdoes it's not that type of it's made itmortal you must be Lexieso they took your sister and if we'regonna get there before they really someyourself we gotta go now let's go doyour whooshing thing I can't I don'thave any power anymore okay how far awayis this place about an hour uh whatabout the e-tax a little over Networkwait if we go now we can get there intime why are you helping us well globaldomination by dark angelic forces whereall life is destroyed it's prettyterrible sounding to me we gotta gowe're gonna go now come onso how did you find out about all of usI'm a journalist I have been followingTyrell and his blood mapping program fora while and I went to visit dr. bolliand he was dead doctor dr. bolli he'sthe one who found the hummer oh nostrayed yeah I don't know what happenedbut apparently he was disposable oncethey found you so where are we gonna gettheir own timeit's gonna be close so there's a chancethe sacrifice might not work whatbetween em on Lexi who was the secondbornLexi that's why I grabbed her so thetext talks about the last blood but I'vebeen running a debate for him since wegot in the car post the question if itwas split between twins would you needboth Bloods or just the last-born andwool it's split but the problem remainsthat in either of those two scenariosand what would die for nothing[]is it working I don't know why isn'tthis workingit must not be working now I'll headdown this way and distract him used tobe go up there get him out the olderRiley your world no he'll kill youI know Peter is good my first I messedup once I won't make that same mistakeagaingo be able to distract themLexi wait I'm so sorry about everythingwhy did he do that[]the girl's blood didn't work did it ohthis is gonna be fun[][][Applause]we were too late we couldn't save herEmma's blood freed samyaza from the tombbut he was still weak not at fullstrength for that they need in my bloodthe last of the Judas bloodline Emmagave her life so that I could have minebut how has he not found you after allthis time did you hear that noiseoutside the cicadas they know whenthere's an imbalance in the earththey're warning us the apex is comingevery 17 yearsthat's when Riley my guardian angelappears to protect me17 years ago they came for me again butRiley and I we made a planthis coin this kept me hidden all theseyears I want you to have itI mean because I don't need it anymorebut don't know where you are I knowwhat's going on herebribery no you don't understand give herthe coin sable you got a better comequick I think Mia have a visitorsee I told you[]hello Alexis did you miss me it was justa matter of time now we can make thisquick and easy or we can make this slowand painful no I'm readyI'm tired of running you killed myentire family destroyed everything I'veever loved I have nothing left how longI have waited for this moment the coincan protect you forever to finally becomplete to finally fulfill my destinythough you are the last your bloodlinewill live on for eternity in then let'sdo this[]glad you could make it I wouldn't missthis for the world[]I thought of Zeeland taking care of youthat dagger may have taken my powers butit didn't take my immortality then
Ishall take your mortality and then Iwill take your life[Applause]take
it as heels off you had the chanceWhiteley didn't seem like that good ofan
offerwhat what is it[]do something here I'll get helpthe team[]Nowell hellobadlybe
complete and the world will be minewhat why is it not working because of methis
is for Emma[][Applause][][]I think this belongs to you[]from every end starts a
new beginning arebirtha Renaissancethe homina Australian is alive good orevil
is a choiceand free will does exist[]to fight back against evil as my choicein
my daughter Evashe was also my choice although eva hasthe blood of a traitor
she also has theblood of an angel but blood doesn't makeyou who you areit's
your soul your spirit your love oflifeof Godmy eyes have been opened and theloophole
has been closed and if theyreturn when they returnwe will be waiting and we
will be ready[]so what did you think my first novelwell you know I I don't know
you know behonest I didn't even know you couldwrite but you know I didn't
understandhalf that junk with Sam or whatever hisname was and uhJudas and his
bloodline but you know Ithought it was pretty well written but Ireally want to
know where in a devil didyou get the idea to write a story likethis um I have a
crazy imagination um Idon't know I wanted to combine my threefavorite things
the Bible books andvideo games I just I I really wrote itbecause I wanted
people to question theBible I wouldn't dumb to open one up andsee if I wrote
was true or not welllet's see that's great that's reallygreat and coming from
your old grandpa Iwant you to always remember the truemeaning of the true
gospel okay and youknow the world is doing a great job oftrying to screw that
message up but themessage Lexi is very clear Jesus came tothis earth to save
the world and he diedon the cross for all of us regardless ofwho we were or
what we did and on thethird day he rose conquering sin anddeath for all of
mankind I don't wantyou to forget that okay I won't forgetpepper well the other
thing is what areyou gonna do with this book write amovie no that would never
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