Stolen Good (Action Movie, Romance, Drama, English Moive, Full Length) free download

the timetruethe last chanceOh[Applause][Laughter]just like the old sessions with just thethree of us oh yeah that's what it's allabout hey we didn't see me go man I'vebeen practicing sheep yeah righthey how was that Jake maybe eight tenhey Shawn throw down or go home shut upI'm just getting used to ithey just think that runway was kinkedhey guess what getting a place here nextyear we should all leave togetherI'm taking off winter semester shouldall ride together but I thought you'regonna be graduating soon I want a ridemourn no become a pro rider plus I wantto make a video project the three of uscount me out so over that shit and whatare you dad think about all that whocarescome on it can be cool what do you thinkI think I want to hit this jump againyeah through this don't fucking aroundyeah go big yeah it was pretty damnfunny and hey Sean you okay buddy she'sgonna fucking Cancun for Spring Breakhey sissy boy clear the landingI want to go sometime todaydo what well those are boots it smellslike a cat piss in hereI don't give a new pair of boots everyweek girl boy sounds pretty cool but Imight not have the time to work on it dojust beat yourself on the Tahoe 

flyingit out for contest we could get a goodpart done in like three to four weekshey when you going back to Chicago Seanfirst thing tomorrow what about you coolam i dropping you off the airportwhat about you oh I'm going back downthe valley dude we're going to Reno dropme off at the train crossing I'll catchthe afternoon trainhey what's up hey where'd you get thathunk of crap so would you dump your bikeno it's back in my house hunkajunk whatthe fuck do you know about cars Bobcouldn't change it flat if I took thenuts off for youwould you hi Stu get the cash for itheistI don't house I 

reappropriation allright you work on your sorry uncle'sboat all summer long picking your assand you mooch off your friends in thewintertime so the hell you need the cashfor it's not about the money it's therush yeahget these shits moving your where haveyou been Ryker you get on Shana yet it'snone of your business I'm working on itworking on it you don't work in thatpussy since high school you've beenhaving about dreams about her since highschool so what's the hold up Romeo Ithink she needs a real man to get her inthe moon Bob you starting to irritate mehey shit for brains get your ass up hereshe's totally into you right yeah but wecan't just seem to get it right you knowshe wants me to be your boyfriend andstuff take her to the movies and allthat but I travel all the time just nowworking out do you love her man yousound like a chickJeff I'm helping you out with this jobgetting here five minutes later shitLynn oh I know you like to spend yoursummers with your lady but don't screwup while you're hereso why do that companies tell you whatto do because they pay me and pay for myexpenses that's why there's other waysyou can make moneywell like you stealing cars yeah I meanyou come on a job with me mix music cashno worriesthanks buddy but that sounds 

prettysketchball count me outyour big place not as big as your mom'sclothes hey manyou ever think what you're doing iswrong what about the dude you stole itfrom I told you I take the cars forinsurance me and snow lots of em wellthat's real considerate yeah well acouple jobs a year and I can stay in themountains and ride I mean at least I'mnot getting used by some corporatevulture like you yeah these guys arebrutal fly me all overyou know you ever thought of what'sgonna happen if you ever get hurt youknow they're gonna drop youyeah I bought a car well where is itso surprised when I come back out I'llhave it all fixed up and you can see itback you're going out west soon come onwell why'd you stopwhy are you stopping I'm not ready lookat you you're so ready do you think sexis for fun yes I want more than that youknow well do you want to be close to meyeah well then 

just go with yourfeelings since when are we normaldetails am i does it make a differenceyeah yesare you going out west soon well Shawnwants me to work on some movie so yeahprobably a few days a few days for amovie yeah there's a lot of things outthere to experience it's gotta get outof Cape Cod so if we had sex tonight youstill leave oh yeah and this is all itis for uswell you know maybe maybe you'd behappier if you saw their people when Iwas awayit's curved- chair[Applause][Applause]how the hell is Europeyou know was way more funand a little ski clubs in New Zealandand then you got a quick grab this newlittle handle has it braces rightthrough the lift hours and the wheel tojust grind your hands right off you'renot carefulsome peopleso you can spend most of your winter inTahoe I'm gonna try base myself on aTahoe you know I got to travel a lotwith contests and stuff that sounds coolso hey I have so much stuff to do shallwe dropping my platesshe's cute well how the hell 

herslidewell well look there's only about ahalf-hour late oh well lookie here if itain't the world traveler and theprofessor - sure do you guys have to dotheir math me some lessons yeah it'sfunny what about you Club mad boy hungot some new tricks to show me from thescans see Ryker that's why you don'twant to compete with me in front of abunch of guys you just can't face losingin front of a big crowd that is it thatis definitelyOh sick who's gonna get me pick it meI'll go no way right every time you goout first you bomb hold the landing sonot true I only did that like oncefights alright whatevermaybe a few times but still let me go nookay hey I got winner there's no way I'mlanding one of your deaf cuts again dudeyeah dude hey what's it like landing Ohperfectoh yeahand well that's just about does it forplanning yeah what do you want you'rebuying since one breaker what's going onhaven't seen you in days I'm doing wellright guys what do you have it's allright thanks to the jacket sweet productfor deal take a cold them off for beershey guys this is my friend Brin this ismy lighter in Tahoe Hey Tweedy seemslike a pretty cool girl I gotta see thisfor myselfsee for yourself Jay we've been friendsand I kicked your ass in the secondgrade kick my ass I had a cramp it wasright after 

lunch we missed all of youtoo sometimes and I'm here to help helpthat bartender over there looks likehe's got next year's gear you know it'sfunny it looks just like the jacket Igave you hey Dee do you want a part inmy next videoyou must you ask Hey look I'm reallyinto this girl she's a beautiful brideand we're really good for each otherthese girls don't read about you thoughthey just want to give her an industrybullshit either way to get it whateverlook all I know is she's gonna be hereso just don't be a dick to her okay Jakeyou got a contest tomorrow I couldprobably add some pretty good shots 

10g$2,000don't forget the 20% rule it's ten about20 twenty ten for me ten for refill overhere I have a better idea if I win thatcontest tomorrow I'll take us all onElliotcome to find me some love well surewhat about Shana she's on the other sideof the country no those girls are intounit area hey kid go outside with thosehey Jade how's it goin good what's upbuddy yeah I heard about you killing itat the Triple Crown no thanks hey mygirls gonna meet me outside on the patioin a couple minutes can you keep itprivate for us not a problemThanks appreciate ya good to see youthe brand want to come out and check myriding where are we gonna do that yourhouse probably whatever mouth I'll seeyou tomorrow[Applause]laughs[Applause][Applause]I already pulled that scam at this placedid you hurry up you go here does thatreally workI told you how to do it of course itworks well show him babe let's hit thisupI told you that they didn't give us areceipt well where's the food I threw itout hey Einstein get the manager this isobviously too challenging for youwhat exactly is the problem we orderedtwo

 big meal combos at the drive-thruand they didn't put the lids on rightyet not right they spilt all over ourfood and ruined it totally made a messdo you have a receipt we don't have areceipt I just told that guy over therewhere's the food I threw it out I can'tdo anything without our seat you canreplace our food that we paid for how doI know you paid for anything without areceipt look we never got a receipt noway to prove you made a purchase whatare you calling us liars yeah you callus Liars boys hey now you're calling usboys look it's just I can't yes you canwithout a receipt I told you we didn'tget a receipt it's not my fault theydon't give them out here look I thinkyou should leavewe're not going anywhere until you giveus the food that we already paid forhook it up why don't you go over yourbins there and put together a big bagwith two too big meal combos yeah anddon't put the drinks with the food thistime this is ridiculous yeah this isridiculous that you don't want to fixyour own 

mistake if I get you your mealsthen will you leave quietly yeah finehey no ice in the drinks let me get twobarbeque sauces that's 50 cents extraokay we already paid for it that wasn'tso hard was itsee yaand what'd you get - big meal combos ohyeah I told you to workyeah the manager was a total dick thoughyeah he called us liars guys are liarsgive me some fries for now you shoulddefinitely flaw him some product get itto him right awaywhat are you trying to sell Shawn soulthat's really funny right[Applause]Westeracross the small balls of her feet inher underscore[Applause]this is so awesome g-gee look at thiscool manlet's go ride[Applause]well my[Applause][Applause][Applause][Applause][Applause]yeah but I used to see the poor littlephotographers around you just gotnervous that's time to suck though theseasons too important worry about itbuddy you'll get therehave you been down to NamUs breeze whatis it offer that place that's a resortyou got a Throwdown to go sit in thecement tub natural ones are way betteryeah take you there sometime well itkeeps doing this week we're going backeast for the US Open I forgot about thatdid you gonna come with no man I don'tthink my sponsors would go for thatthen how's Tweety Bird getting therewell you know they don't mind picking upthe tab for my photographer photographerJake we get some sick shots okay youknow I have an idea maybe you could lendyou a camera and Tweetyyeah nice expense account 

there Tweetycut the shit Ryker what do you thinkJohn I don't think so your parents canbuy you a new one if she breaks itmy parents shut me off no more cash sowhat about the camera did you buy thatyeah about the apartment it's me tooyeah why don't you just tell any of us Iwant you to pay for everythingthat's what we agreed on so I can getyou guys to stay here yeah but that'sstill not right oh well you pay for itall Thankslooks like you have quite the expenseaccount as well thanks for the room Seanbut I'll be couchsurfing you ran outsomeone else that's cool man I'm notinto thatbesides I got it cheap and it's almostthe end of the season oh I knew therewas a reason we're friends in the secondgradehey Derekyou mr. Riker sometimes I come here tothink he's been gone for a whileyou talk to him lately no not really noI know he's out westwhat what's he doing out there wellactually he's helping out Jake and Shawnon a video project it sounds pretty coolyou know Bob and I actually have beentalking a while about making the filmreally yes I didn't know that what's itabout it's a sexy romantic thriller thatsounds pretty cool you know I mean it'sfunny running into you like thisyou'd be great for the park me oh well Idon't know if I could do something likethat oh no you'd be perfect you reallyare thinking about coming by sometimeand reading for it well I have alwayshad this dream of acting I never took itthat seriously though like I might thinkit's cool well think about it you know Imean we're casting right now we're kindof in a rush so the sooner the betterokaythanks I'll see you later there's goodseeing you oh hey thanks a ton forthinking about me for your movie itsounds real exciting hey no problem I'llgive you a call later tonight maybe wecan get together okayhey so what was that all about the otherday with Shauna I was just telling herabout the MU she's gonna be the star ofall movie this could be so perfectweight or something know to get back aRiker by casting this 

girlfriend you'remissing the pointI get to have sex with her of course youshoot it so you got a script no dummy Ijust use her for real do I get to hookup with her Bob just look at you you'rea slobyou can watch though and you know getback at Riker sounds good I'm inReichert check on this fish hey checkthis bullshit Jay get out here[Applause]loser boy is troubledwhat does it look like we're doingenjoying some TV you guys just can'tcome in here like that I could get introubleget your feet off the table and what isthis beautiful well see this one's fromst. Louis Johnny what about you RykerMexico I'm very funny I'm I bet you getaround the fridge put everything backwell it's gonna take me about 20 minutesfor this to come out the other endmm-hmm shut up just don't touch anythingelse well he's in a bit of a huffy moodhey pet boy how much these rich guys payyou to take care of their animals theother houses I do it adds up where's herown who Tara on the fish oh right greathim for a dare what seriously we had toflush him down the toilet he wasfloating dead that's a rare tropicalfish it's always an active unless it'sfeeding more on Georgia politics cost Idon't think I flushed the toilet whatthe one over there that rikers inguys are such assholes it came back fishlike this around your anywhere here fuckwith someone else - no nothing can beworth that much moneydad dad hey hey I'm in Nevada it's sobeautiful here we're going heli boardingShawn I'm calling about more seriousmatters denge Jeff and Jake are waitingin the car well they're gonna have towait 

look.this leaving college adventurethat you're on is really hurting thefamily your mother hasn't slept well forweeks I'm taking a semester off yourmother and I do not like the decisionsyou've been making or the company you'rekeepingJeff and Jake yes we've been friendsforeveryeah and Jeff's family's been in piecesfor years and Jake's parents support isgallivanting around the world look theseare not good role models for you andyou're spending entirely too much timewith them this is nutsyour mother and I really had hoped youwould have a little more respect foryour education so we've decided if youdon't go back to school immediately weare not paying for itwhat I can't believe this that's crazyno your decision to follow Jake and Jeffaround the world on their stupid selfishadventures that's crazy maybe this iswhat you need to make better decisionsabout your futuredad haven't you ever had dreams yes andyou shattered them look think about whatI've said it should teach you wellgoodbye sonhey let's hit a driving race tomorrowdude what the hell are you doing why arewe gonna go into a kid now it's darkyeah it's funhow do you know what lives in there I'mafraid of this shit come on cars okayEagle Scout you get a compass no butcome on man you'll be fine let's gochicken sure you coming or what no I'mgonna stay here I seen caves before manyou seen one cave you seen it allSuat a Chicken Little yeah keep thedoors locked in your panties tight notorture each other why hang around dyingfor this girl who isn't interested she'sinterested well if she is then it'sworse huh why she stuffs everythinginside man we would have had some greattimes 

together if she'd just let gomaybe sex isn't her thingthose other girls don't matter oh yeahwhat the hell is that I'm driving yourbomb I'm driving this fuck shotgun Ialready told you man if you're doingshotgun you got to stay awake and keepme awake fuck I'm not riding bitch I'vebeen riding bitch since like Tahoeman that one's way too expensive freakintime is it it's like almost 3 a.m. Itold you guys we should have leftHolloway earlier why don't we just driveup the canyon and sleep in the car yeahthen we'll be closer to the mountain Idon't pay for two to three hours[Applause][Applause][Applause]with solidgoodtill George Jackson[Applause]pajama poster boys show us your besthard to die[Applause]I'm not waiting for[Applause][Applause]hi guys how are you tonight what can Iget for you you dude give me three coldones hey man let me give you some moneyfat no wayyou just took us out on the best writingever thanks manyou're getting the next round chiselerdon't even be in the bathroom youordered it yeah yeah dude look at thosegirls I'm definitely not sleeping in thecar yeah me neithertoast to our man Jake taking us out forthe best day everokay who's getting laid tonight Jake noyeah so I guess I am the only contestanthere what are you talking about I getlaidit's like all the time oh yeah rightlike when was the last time and with whowhat do you mean who name I want a 

nameyou wouldn't know her she goes to mycollege hey big boy still by the nextroundhow else am I gonna get anywhere on thisindustry what's that mean I'm not atyour level so I have to take moreaggressive measures to stay close to thetop are those aggressive measures Jakeat first it was definitely the challengein the status and shit every girl is inlove with Jake and I got him luckilywere almost perfect togetherif you older than me you sure it's sosimple for a Jake well Jake doesn't sayI love you or anything like thatwell then it's okay well good at leastyou see a little of my view how aboutyou and Christo no time for Christogossipin surveys somewhere in temperaturewhy is it so short it's the only part ofitlisten I'll show you the rest when youagree to play my girlfriend I don'tthink my parents would appreciate it noone's gonna see anything except for mebesides I've already seen you oncealready you have nothing to beself-conscious about you're beautifullisten I'm not trying to be Rikersreplacement but when he leaves she'sjeopardizing your relationship and we'rehere now so let's work on this this hasnothing to do with Riker and if youpromise only you will see all of me Iguess I'll do it it'll be perfect14 times 1/2 12 14 times you know comeback one whole yeartell your parents I had to go hey dude Itold you you're gonna get in troublewith mr. Chang what are you doing wheredid you get this bus from I borrowed itare you seriousyou stole the bus Shh I want the 

wholeneighborhood to hear are you nutswhat possible value could an old schoolbus have come on get in I don't think soJay get in the bus do you have any ideahow embarrassing it would be to getarrested for abetting a criminal whostole a busare you a retard[Applause]what did you get us into this time IDrive all the way down to the coast andthis is thatlooking to Z gaphere watch thiswe've got to stop focusingdon't worry mom I'll be fine hey manwhat are you doinglook Jake that could all these fuckingsheep they just stopped in their tracksand sit yeah yeah so we're gonna sithere and wait until someone figures outwhy the city didn't show us one of thosethings in your car look you can't juststop here in the middle of the streetlike thisJesus well the best part is itno one's getting on or off so they don'teven know why they're sitting heremaybe they'll figure it out I don't knowhow long before they dothat's we'll see look I think you madeyour point here no no let's stay herefor a while if she cheap man fuckingchief okaymove it come on serious let's get out ofhere no okay[Applause]you really know how to piss people offno I'm meeting Jake we're gonna ride noI shouldn't have said what I did at thepike Nicole I don't care what Jake doesI mean it's not like we're gonna rideforever I know Nicole I know no it'sjust different no I'm just so into itit's greatwell sure no no we just see each 

otherthis weekend okay call you later why youknow I was thinking the wire would helpus both relax yeahdo we have to do the scene today let'sdo the one with us over by the boats wedon't have the camera guy for one dayhe's teaching Bob all there is to knowbut because the difficulty shooting thenew DC and I know you didn't want a newtoday we need to depend on aprofessional not Bob yeah but does Bobhave to be in the room with us the wholetimeDerrick let's go Ricky you don't haveall day I think he does you gonna getthis right if it takes two days Ithought I only had one day I hear youI've been doing this for years I can dothis in one shot let's move okay I'mready now Shauna take your clothes offwe're styling the scene mid foreplaybottoms - how come no one's gonna see medown there you want the part or not Imean we are all professionals hereor we're all trying to be rememberShauna is not naked in the scene Rachelyour character is naked in the scene youjust go a lot faster if you listen tothem don't look you turn around youassholesyou gotta be on top of them hey Jakegood to see you hey this is my buddySean pretty good rider he's gonna comeride with us today and this is my friendRyker hey Ryker I've heard of you mategood to finally meet youso what's the program day what we doingoh well we got to find a big cliff bandup there we need a couple of drops forthe two-page spread for the magazine I'mjust here to ride to north shootinwhat is that cuz I'm not 

into it allright whatever you have a place in mindyeah up over the ridge over there theselandings up flat oh no it'll be allright man no worries so I want to shootyou guys on those big cliffs I'm notdoing that another shoot video drop thisoneJake let's go shoot these bigger onesnow whose land is it flat oh no it'll beall right man I don't know man we shouldjust work for the smaller ones keepsession them I don't want you guys toget tired out from all the hikingI'll give them a fucking break man Idon't see you hiking your ass up thereit's good hey Jake how's it look sowhat's your opinion on it this landingsucksyou'll never clear those rocks maybe Ican try ithey Jake Jake come on let's golet me think about it for a sec what areyou waiting fordon't let that asshole push you aroundhe's not an assholehe's my manager why don't you show somerespect why should I he's being a dickyou're the one who's being a dick Yeahrightwhy don't you think for yourself foronce it's good light will you hold onfor a second those landers look real badYeah right you're gonna follow ordersPro Boy all style no substance huh seehow long any of these people would bearound including Tweety if you weren'tthe industry poster boyand you never know when to quit rightwhat happened what happened to Jake comeon get in you miss raker well why'd youstopmaybe you'd be happier if you saw theirpeople 

when I was away it's gonna bereally close tonight I want you to be ascomfortable as possiblebeautiful I love youI heard about Jay how's he doing he'spretty bad his knees blown doctor say hemight not be able to walk how long docsays he's done riding I'm so sorryplease tell him I was asking about him Iwill he's hardly heard from anyone sinceit happen yeah what do you mean what whythe hell is my salary being cut yeahwell what am I supposed to live on nothis is bullshit no you no no no I'm notout that long I'll be able to ridesometimeand what about our party at the tickhouse I'm not so sure come along andthrow a rager for everyone no no keep itkeep it little you know your footage canhave to be playing on the TV maybe weshould just have girls there morerespectful when we the godshey I gotta move some stuff around so itdoesn't get messed up you guys give me ahanda little Jake when I gotta go bang outif you dance it record your you friendsare coming tonight are they wouldn'tleave the Huck on the street Rikarddon't steal anything okay helloafter the fishtank incident in the beerwhy should I you're working on a car yougot from stealing another car whateverjust put everything back and down okayhey thanks for sticking around help meout the same for me right yeah of courseso the doc said you won't be ridinganymore huh don't you come work out withme sonwe in borrowing cars without you no I'llget you a job on my uncle's boat it'llbe cool it would be easy on your kneeand you'll be outside working we got togo home soon many ways I'm not gonnasteal anything Rikermaybe the docs can work outwe know if it's a good year definitelybring in some good 

moneyRiker anything happens to this house doyou think it's helping Jake I'd say yeahare you gonna be better for Whistleryeah I'm sure I'll be fine I heard youmight be out for goodno way I don't think you should push itfor some stupid summer camp or sponsoryou've been talking to Riker who's Rikermy crutches bitch your uncle sent us outhere check out a used boat in San Franyeah we couldn't come all the way outhere without stopping byRiker you are such a charity case youthink your uncle his business and thatright there give a copit's not even done yet as a matter offact I dobrought a copy for RikerRiker how's that curly back home youtalk to her much who you know onethanking you no pussy that one I'm awhole crunchy away and I'm sure I talkto her more than you do I doubt thatyeah your little dick fantasies areblowing me pleaseyou guys come 3,000 miles to irritate mepretty much why don't we just watch thetape I'll be in the truck nice youpopped in with smart I love porn ahif I wasn't on these crutches I'd beatyou that's too bad you're damaged goodsnow just get the hell out here Bob I'llmake sure I'll leave you a copy of thattaperight here you alright yeah since thosefuckers home what about the honey's youworking itwhat about Shana what about Shana she'sshe's a big girl she makes her owndecisions you're not upset except thesefuckers moved in on your turf man go putyour footage backshe's doing fine but Jake I'm sorryabout the way she treated youI think she went home to visit herparents for a little while Jake you'reprobably gonna lose your sponsors if youhaven't already she knows this she has areputation for it listen don't getshitty about it just try to get betterso you can ride again I hope you'rewrong about her I'm not she's my frienddon't get me wrong but I'm not 

proudabout what she doeshey I'm sorry about Ryker hey I wouldhave beat him there no need tosee you okay yeah I'm fineI know sure that's cool to hang out withwhen she's around that's allotherwise it's her life yeah so youalready heard about his video oh that'scool that's cool you're into ithey I got all these medical bills man upfor my knee and you know I haven't heardanything from you guys I need some helphere I've been riding for you guys forthree years risking my ass all the timeand now this no no no I don't have thatkind of money I need your help now so nolet's take her first bin this isn't sobad it's not such a damn eyesore youbetter watch her she's gonna Christineyour ass yeah let's rollhey I've decided I'm gonna do that dropwhat drop you know that one that guytold me about we were not big JasonWardell God after he did it are you sureabout that man that thing's hugeyeah it would be if I could stop it wellyou're right about thatyeah you shouldn't take a risk like thatit's not worth it for your sponsors dudeI gotta do this for me to get over myfears so Reichert you shoot it yeah ifyou're doing it for yourself man that'scool no this is bullshit we both knowwhy Shawn would even consider doing it Igotta do this for myself[Applause][Laughter]okayShan Shan Oh No[Applause][Laughter]yeah I'm underway to show us fuel whatyeah you know I saw that fucking smutyou're in why did you do 

ityeah he's committed to making my lifehell and fucking you why don't you getit I want you in my life why do youthink I've been with you for five yearsthat's just how I feel you know it makessenseI get messed up when you leave and Ican't talk to you about it becauseyou're goneDerek promised to be here all the timeand I don't have to wonder where he isyeah well do you know where he was threeweeks agogetting a boat for your uncle no findingneed to show me that fucking videotapewhat about me how am I supposed to feelI don't want to spend my life wonderinghow you are I want us to stay togetherthat's disgustingoh and you haven't had sex with othergirls yeah well I didn't let himvideotape her some bullshit reason theysaid it was for a movie they catchlobsters filming me are you giving up onyoushit you know everything's so differentthere's more than just sex for me I wishthis never happened I wish it was justyou and meyouhey Jake what's up with those skateramps over there they're all fallingapart oh no am I gonna do about it huhthat sucks I'm gonna go skate outsideyes Andrew[Applause][Applause][Applause][Applause][Applause]hey mr. Pierce Oh Jake you home now youknow working down at the snowboard shopin town the more skiingno well snowboarding no actually I hurtmy knee pretty bad it's pretty messed upmr. Pierce how's uh how's mrs. Piercethat very good well will you at least atleast tell her is asking about herJake do you tell me why you didn't stopShawn you had to know he couldn't handlethat cliff I heard it was hundreds offeet Ohmr. Pierce I really don't think it wasthat bigI couldn't stop Shawn he wanted it sobad I gave him every opportunity maybeschool wasn't for him Jake he reallydidn't care what he did he just 

wantedyou to approve of him him you were hisstar couldn't you see that maybe wellyou should have paid more attention wellShawn was on his way to becoming a prorider he didn't have your skills with nopro rider he was supposed to be anengineermaybe maybe Shawn doesn't really wantthat you don't know what he wanted hejust wanted you to approve of him andbecause of that my son is dead I'm sorryI wish I could say more you've doneenoughhow's the six million dollar leg holdingup hurts like hell but I need to do thisI forgot how much you really love thissport between all the hype and bullshitI thought I'd die didn't you know thisis what it's all about being out herehey I didn't tell you yet what I justgot a new job offer it's a team managerposition I'm actually pretty psychedabout it yeah it'll be good for you knowyou'll be outside riding and traveling alot I'll be coolhey you really think so yeah you knowbeing inside just kills the spirit Ithought you'd be all bent at me and callme a sellout or a washed-up pro know yougot your need to deal with man wehaven't been on the hill since you 

knowyeahsave ready to do this yeah he would havewanted it this waywell Shawn look for everybody be freegot to remember to check this outanother time let's go ahead it nowanyway well you want to hit it sometimeor whatdefinitely so let's go look at it nowwhat do you mean let's if you're hittingit so am i man you're not even supposedto be out here your ACL is hardlytogether man you should let that healreally hey so what do you think wellit's a good landing better watch thebomb holes though yeah so what do youthink threes to warm up yeah whateveryou're riding around meet me at thebottom whatever you saywe're cleardropping

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